Hon. Minister for the Environment and Climate Action
Hon. Minister of Finance
Hon. Mr Secretary of State for the Environment and Climate Action
Hon. Mr Secretary of State for Finance
Hon. President of the Board of Directors of the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests
Hon. Director of the Companion Animal Welfare Department
These Pandemic years, hand in hand with social and financial insecurity, led to a dramatic drop in donations to Associations, forcing a huge "belt tightening", so that they can continue to help all the animals (increasing number) that did not decrease day to day needs.
Life has changed – including dogs and cats. Everyone's life has changed.
Last year, under the Financial Incentives Program for Animal Welfare, 5 notices were issued, totaling €10,500,000, to support: a) The construction and modernization of official collection centers for pets (CRO) and facilities of zoophilic associations (IAZ), contained in NOTICE 1/2022 ICNF-DBEAC; c) The sterilization campaign for dogs and cats, set out in NOTICE 3/2022 ICNFDBEAC; d) The campaign to support electronic identification e registration of companion animals, contained in NOTICE 4/2022 ICNF-DBEAC; e) The campaign to share expenses that legally constituted zoophilic associations incur with the acquisition of products for veterinary use or medical-veterinary services, contained in NOTICE 5/2022 ICNF-DBEAC.
For this year, within the scope of the same Support Programme, 2 annual tranches were promised - vital for the Associations that every day replace the State in favor of the Community, and we are surprised that nothing has yet been made available, just now that the difficulties more squeeze.
The recent Petition "In defense of the Law that criminalizes mistreatment", which mobilized around 100,000 citizens, dozens of associations and the commitment of all Parliamentary Groups to receive it in hand, proved that animal welfare reflects not only the Citizens' will, but also the modernity of a Society that strives for the well-being of all sentient beings who share the planet with us.
That said, on behalf of all the Associations that sign below, and of all the Citizens who fight for the dignity of the animals they come across, we would like to ask for a quick agility and fulfillment of the deadlines with which they committed themselves, so that we can overcome quickly, the needs of thousands of animals that the current financial situation has uncovered.
Thanks in advance for the attention you will surely give to this request,
Em resposta à Carta Aberta, no dia 1 de junho, o CA recebeu a informação via Gabinete do Sr. Ministro do Ambiente e Ação Climática, que a partir desta data estão publicados os AVISOS do Programa de Incentivos Financeiros para o Bem-Estar Animal e que o período de candidaturas a esses Avisos terá início dia 12.
A incrível interajuda do movimento associativo resultou a um aumento exponencial do número de candidaturas e à necessidade rever TODO o procedimento concursal em curso. Aguardam-se desenvolvimentos.